

1. Why does the student go to see the professor?
A. To request extra time to complete an assignment
B. To explain why she will miss the next class
C. To clarify the requirements of a class assignment
D. To discuss the results of a lab experiment

2. What does the professor imply about the student’s extended field trip?
A. He would like to know more about the fieldwork the student did.
B. He was unaware of the problems the student had on the trip.
C. He knew that there would be problems on the trip.
D. He has been in similar situations himself.

3. Why does the professor tell the student about the importance of cane toads to Australia?
A. To remind the student of a topic she studied last semester
B. To provide an example of a concept he is describing
C. To explain the purpose of the lab assignment the student will work on
D. To amuse the student with an anecdote from his own student days

4. What fact from the radio interview with an ecologist surprised the student?
A. Global warming may be less harmful to biodiversity than oil palm cultivation.
B. Global warming may have benefited some species of butterflies.
C. Oil palm cultivation has contributed greatly to global warming.
D. Oil palm tree populations have suffered as a result of global warming.

5.What advantages of the oil palm do the speakers mention? Click on 3 answers
A. It resists damage from imported insects.
B. It is an easy crop to grow.
C. It creates a habitat for rare animal species.
D. It is used in a wide range of products.
E. It has a positive impact on communities where it is grown.
