

1. What is the main purpose of the lecture?
A. To caution students about ineffective ways of presenting a thesis
B. To provide background information needed to understand a reading assignment
C. To examine Plato’s responses to key questions asked by Socrates
D. To point out weaknesses in the Socratic method of debate

2. According to the lecture, what did socrates wanted a big question to do? Click on 2 answers
A. Lead to a truth that guides people’s behavior
B. Raise ideas that very few people have considered before
C. Generate a debate that continues over the course of several days
D. Prompt a thesis that reflects a genuine belief of the interlocutor

3. What does the professor imply when he mentions how the winner of a debate is chosen?
A. It would be difficult to find objective judges to choose the winner.
B. Only philosophers should be able to choose the winner.
C. Most people are too worried about their reputation to choose the winner.
D. It is best to use several judges to pick the winner.

4. According to the professor, what did the audience in Plato’s dialogues often do?
A. Suggest a strategy to a questioner
B. Persuade an interlocutor to admit defeat
C. Propose a new thesis for debate
D. Remind debaters of the rules

5. According to the lecture, under what condition would Socrates consider losing the debate to be beneficial?
A. If it enhanced a person’s future debating skills
B. If it prevented a person from developing too much pride
C. If it helped the loser realize that a particular belief is false
D. If it improved the relationship between the winner and the loser

6. What is the professors opinion about asking opponents to define all of their terms?
A. Defining all terms helps the debaters understand each other better
B. Asking opponents to define terms differentiates the Socratic method from other debate methods
C. Defining too many terms may cause an audience to lose interest in the debate
D. Asking opponents to define all terms is an unimpressive way to try to win a debate
