
Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 4
第1套Imagine that you live in a cramped city with only one green space, the city park. To address the issue of over-crowding, the city council proposed building a new housing complex on this last green space in the city center, do you think this is a good idea. Explain why or why not. New Government Internship Program  Coevolution Hot – Desking
第2套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, for a business to be successful, it must be actively involved in social media. Use details and examples to explain your opinion. Guided Tours Frugal Engineering Job Sharing
第3套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should always be allowed to make video recordings of their professors lectures. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.  New Cancellation Fee at Student Medical Center Homeostasis Two situations where teamwork can be ineffective
第4套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To truly understand a country, it is necessary to learn one of its major languages. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.  Art Books Must Stay in Library Undercover Marketing  Two adaptations for hanging upside down
第5套Your city is considering a law to make people pay a fine if they use their cell phones at the same time they are walking across streets and intersections. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not. University Needs a Wilderness Club Cumulative Culture Two drawbacks of Employee Standardization
第6套Some recent university graduates choose to spend a period of time doing volunteer or community service before they start their careers. Others think it is better to start working as soon as possible after graduation. Which view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your answer. Move the Media-Viewing RoomsEnd-of-History IllusionSpeciation
第7套Some people like to read certain books more than once. Others prefer to always read something they have never read before. Which do you usually prefer? Explain why using details and examples.  Individual Final Presentation Illusion of Truth Aquatic birds
第8套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good luck is as important as hard work in achieving career success. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.  Suggested Change to Geology Trip Plant Habituation  Late Movers
第9套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for students to live with a roommate who is studying the same subject.  No Introductory Science Requirement  Elation Effect Two ways that different animal species enter hibernation
第10套Your university currently requires all students to take one humanities Course in a subject such as literature or philosophy in order to graduate. However, some students majoring in subjects such as math or science think that these humanities Courses are not relevant to their field of study, and they should ld therefore not be required to take them. Do you agree with these students?Explain why or why not. A Coffee Shop in the Fine Arts Building Lobby Dimorphism  Two types of interviews
第11套Your university is organizing a series of guest lectures. Some people think that speakers with controversial opinions should not be invited to speak at the university. Others believe that the university should feature a variety of speakers regardless of their opinions. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why. Using details and examples in your response. Restrict Access to University Garden Distinction Bias Two adaptations for hanging upside down
第12套Some people think that schools should assign projects and other work for some students to complete over vacation, before the beginning of the school year. Others think that schoolwork should only he assigned during the actual academic year. Which opinion do you agree with? Explain why?  Using details and examples in your response. Summer Book Club Value Analysis Prey animals prevent eavesdropping
第13套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Older doctors are more knowledgeable than younger doctors. Using details and examples in your response. No more jazz choir Breeding-site Fidelity Two ways companies can us cross promotion
第14套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be encouraged to watch or listen to the news from an early age. Using details and examples in your response. Reference books can not leave library Fear Appeal Two reasons Why animals use dishonest signals
第15套Some students like having a teacher who supervises them closely and frequently checks their work. Others prefer having a teacher who lets them work on their own and only occasionally checks their work. Which do you prefer? Explain why. University to limit printing in computer labs Role-playing in training salespeople Two negative effects  on the flavor of high yield crop production
第16套Do you agree or disagree with the statement that children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they’re old enough. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.  Close college drive to cars Fixed-Action Patterns Two problems associated with employee turnover
第17套When watching movies and television shows with friends and family, some people prefer that everyone remain quiet until the end. Other people enjoy talking and sharing opinions during the movies and shows. Which do you prefer? Explain why. Classes to Begin Later Incentive Subsidy Fish and mice influenced by human activities
第18套Some people prefer to make plans with friends for social activities far in advance. Others prefer to be more spontaneous and make plans with friends on the same day they would like to see them. which do you prefer? Graduate business program to discontinue summer course Seagoing Fish Two issues with company turnover
第19套Some people believe that in the future, countries will stop producing paper money and coins, and people will just use electronic forms of payments, such as credit cards. Others believe countries will always produce coins and paper money for those who wish to use them. Which do you think is true? Use details and examples in your response.  New requirement for architecture students Seasonal Dimorphism Two drawbacks of maximizing when making decision
第20套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays for a business to be successful, it must be actively involved in social media. Use details and examples to explain your opinion. Summer yoga discontinued Commitment and Consistency Principle Eagles and hummingbirds overcome strong winds
第21套Some people prefer to spend their extra money on objects, such as clothes or electronics. Other people prefer to spend it on experiences, like vacations or concerts. Which do you prefer and why?  Gap Year Program Freeloader Effect Caterpillars’ two ways of defending against predators
第22套Some people believe that a country’s government should give money to support arts institutions like museums or theaters.Others feel that it should not be the role of governments to do this.Which opinion do you agree with?Explain why? University to Create a Career Skills Requirement Social Referencing Ways musk oxen and arctic turn protect themselves
第23套Some people believe that doing homework is not helpful for younger children and that it should be given only to older students. Others believe that home work should be assigned to children of all ages. Which point of view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.Better camera for the newspaper Hurdle help Ways Tortoise and frog to control their body temperature
第24套Imaging that you need to find housing next semester and have found two possible apartments. The first apartment is within walking distance to campus, but the rent is a little expensive. The second apartment is farther away from campus, but the rent is more affordable. Which apartment do you think is better? Explain why.  Cultural Arts Requirement Dormancy Two characteristics of an effective teacher
Task 1
第1套Imagine that you live in a cramped city with only one green space, the city park. To address the issue of over-crowding, the city council proposed building a new housing complex on this last green space in the city center, do you think this is a good idea. Explain why or why not.
第2套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, for a business to be successful, it must be actively involved in social media. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
第3套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should always be allowed to make video recordings of their professors lectures. Use details and examples to explain your opinion. 
第4套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To truly understand a country, it is necessary to learn one of its major languages. Use details and examples to explain your opinion. 
第5套Your city is considering a law to make people pay a fine if they use their cell phones at the same time they are walking across streets and intersections. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not.
第6套Some recent university graduates choose to spend a period of time doing volunteer or community service before they start their careers. Others think it is better to start working as soon as possible after graduation. Which view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your answer.
第7套Some people like to read certain books more than once. Others prefer to always read something they have never read before. Which do you usually prefer? Explain why using details and examples. 
第8套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good luck is as important as hard work in achieving career success. Use details and examples to explain your opinion. 
第9套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for students to live with a roommate who is studying the same subject. 
第10套Your university currently requires all students to take one humanities Course in a subject such as literature or philosophy in order to graduate. However, some students majoring in subjects such as math or science think that these humanities Courses are not relevant to their field of study, and they should ld therefore not be required to take them. Do you agree with these students?Explain why or why not.
第11套Your university is organizing a series of guest lectures. Some people think that speakers with controversial opinions should not be invited to speak at the university. Others believe that the university should feature a variety of speakers regardless of their opinions. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why. Using details and examples in your response.
第12套Some people think that schools should assign projects and other work for some students to complete over vacation, before the beginning of the school year. Others think that schoolwork should only he assigned during the actual academic year. Which opinion do you agree with? Explain why?  Using details and examples in your response.
第13套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Older doctors are more knowledgeable than younger doctors. Using details and examples in your response.
第14套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be encouraged to watch or listen to the news from an early age. Using details and examples in your response.
第15套Some students like having a teacher who supervises them closely and frequently checks their work. Others prefer having a teacher who lets them work on their own and only occasionally checks their work. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
第16套Do you agree or disagree with the statement that children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they’re old enough. Use details and examples to explain your opinion. 
第17套When watching movies and television shows with friends and family, some people prefer that everyone remain quiet until the end. Other people enjoy talking and sharing opinions during the movies and shows. Which do you prefer? Explain why.
第18套Some people prefer to make plans with friends for social activities far in advance. Others prefer to be more spontaneous and make plans with friends on the same day they would like to see them. which do you prefer?
第19套Some people believe that in the future, countries will stop producing paper money and coins, and people will just use electronic forms of payments, such as credit cards. Others believe countries will always produce coins and paper money for those who wish to use them. Which do you think is true? Use details and examples in your response. 
第20套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays for a business to be successful, it must be actively involved in social media. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
第21套Some people prefer to spend their extra money on objects, such as clothes or electronics. Other people prefer to spend it on experiences, like vacations or concerts. Which do you prefer and why?
第22套Some people believe that a country’s government should give money to support arts institutions like museums or theaters.Others feel that it should not be the role of governments to do this.Which opinion do you agree with?Explain why?
第23套Some people believe that doing homework is not helpful for younger children and that it should be given only to older students. Others believe that home work should be assigned to children of all ages. Which point of view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.
第24套Imaging that you need to find housing next semester and have found two possible apartments. The first apartment is within walking distance to campus, but the rent is a little expensive. The second apartment is farther away from campus, but the rent is more affordable. Which apartment do you think is better? Explain why. 
Task 1Task 2Task 3Task 4
第1套Imagine that you live in a cramped city with only one green space, the city park. To address the issue of over-crowding, the city council proposed building a new housing complex on this last green space in the city center, do you think this is a good idea. Explain why or why not. New Government Internship Program  Coevolution Hot – Desking
第2套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays, for a business to be successful, it must be actively involved in social media. Use details and examples to explain your opinion. Guided Tours Frugal Engineering Job Sharing
第3套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students should always be allowed to make video recordings of their professors lectures. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.  New Cancellation Fee at Student Medical Center Homeostasis Two situations where teamwork can be ineffective
第4套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? To truly understand a country, it is necessary to learn one of its major languages. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.  Art Books Must Stay in Library Undercover Marketing  Two adaptations for hanging upside down
第5套Your city is considering a law to make people pay a fine if they use their cell phones at the same time they are walking across streets and intersections. Do you think this is a good idea? Explain why or why not. University Needs a Wilderness Club Cumulative Culture Two drawbacks of Employee Standardization
第6套Some recent university graduates choose to spend a period of time doing volunteer or community service before they start their careers. Others think it is better to start working as soon as possible after graduation. Which view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your answer. Move the Media-Viewing RoomsEnd-of-History IllusionSpeciation
第7套Some people like to read certain books more than once. Others prefer to always read something they have never read before. Which do you usually prefer? Explain why using details and examples.  Individual Final Presentation Illusion of Truth Aquatic birds
第8套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Good luck is as important as hard work in achieving career success. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.  Suggested Change to Geology Trip Plant Habituation  Late Movers
第9套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is better for students to live with a roommate who is studying the same subject.  No Introductory Science Requirement  Elation Effect Two ways that different animal species enter hibernation
第10套Your university currently requires all students to take one humanities Course in a subject such as literature or philosophy in order to graduate. However, some students majoring in subjects such as math or science think that these humanities Courses are not relevant to their field of study, and they should ld therefore not be required to take them. Do you agree with these students?Explain why or why not. A Coffee Shop in the Fine Arts Building Lobby Dimorphism  Two types of interviews
第11套Your university is organizing a series of guest lectures. Some people think that speakers with controversial opinions should not be invited to speak at the university. Others believe that the university should feature a variety of speakers regardless of their opinions. Which point of view do you agree with? Explain why. Using details and examples in your response. Restrict Access to University Garden Distinction Bias Two adaptations for hanging upside down
第12套Some people think that schools should assign projects and other work for some students to complete over vacation, before the beginning of the school year. Others think that schoolwork should only he assigned during the actual academic year. Which opinion do you agree with? Explain why?  Using details and examples in your response. Summer Book Club Value Analysis Prey animals prevent eavesdropping
第13套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Older doctors are more knowledgeable than younger doctors. Using details and examples in your response. No more jazz choir Breeding-site Fidelity Two ways companies can us cross promotion
第14套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Children should be encouraged to watch or listen to the news from an early age. Using details and examples in your response. Reference books can not leave library Fear Appeal Two reasons Why animals use dishonest signals
第15套Some students like having a teacher who supervises them closely and frequently checks their work. Others prefer having a teacher who lets them work on their own and only occasionally checks their work. Which do you prefer? Explain why. University to limit printing in computer labs Role-playing in training salespeople Two negative effects  on the flavor of high yield crop production
第16套Do you agree or disagree with the statement that children should be required to help with household tasks as soon as they’re old enough. Use details and examples to explain your opinion.  Close college drive to cars Fixed-Action Patterns Two problems associated with employee turnover
第17套When watching movies and television shows with friends and family, some people prefer that everyone remain quiet until the end. Other people enjoy talking and sharing opinions during the movies and shows. Which do you prefer? Explain why. Classes to Begin Later Incentive Subsidy Fish and mice influenced by human activities
第18套Some people prefer to make plans with friends for social activities far in advance. Others prefer to be more spontaneous and make plans with friends on the same day they would like to see them. which do you prefer? Graduate business program to discontinue summer course Seagoing Fish Two issues with company turnover
第19套Some people believe that in the future, countries will stop producing paper money and coins, and people will just use electronic forms of payments, such as credit cards. Others believe countries will always produce coins and paper money for those who wish to use them. Which do you think is true? Use details and examples in your response.  New requirement for architecture students Seasonal Dimorphism Two drawbacks of maximizing when making decision
第20套Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Nowadays for a business to be successful, it must be actively involved in social media. Use details and examples to explain your opinion. Summer yoga discontinued Commitment and Consistency Principle Eagles and hummingbirds overcome strong winds
第21套Some people prefer to spend their extra money on objects, such as clothes or electronics. Other people prefer to spend it on experiences, like vacations or concerts. Which do you prefer and why?  Gap Year Program Freeloader Effect Caterpillars’ two ways of defending against predators
第22套Some people believe that a country’s government should give money to support arts institutions like museums or theaters.Others feel that it should not be the role of governments to do this.Which opinion do you agree with?Explain why? University to Create a Career Skills Requirement Social Referencing Ways musk oxen and arctic turn protect themselves
第23套Some people believe that doing homework is not helpful for younger children and that it should be given only to older students. Others believe that home work should be assigned to children of all ages. Which point of view do you agree with? Use details and examples to explain your opinion.Better camera for the newspaper Hurdle help Ways Tortoise and frog to control their body temperature
第24套Imaging that you need to find housing next semester and have found two possible apartments. The first apartment is within walking distance to campus, but the rent is a little expensive. The second apartment is farther away from campus, but the rent is more affordable. Which apartment do you think is better? Explain why.  Cultural Arts Requirement Dormancy Two characteristics of an effective teacher
