



Listening for basic comprehension

  • comprehend the main idea, major points, and important details related to the main idea. (Comprehension of all details is not necessary).

Listening for pragmatic understanding

  • recogonize a speaker’s attitude and degree of certainty
  • recogonize the function and purpose of a speaker’s statement

Connecting and synthesizing information

  • recogonize the organization of information presented
  • understand the relationship between ideas presented (for example, contrast/compare, cause/effect, or steps in a process)
  • make inferences and draw conclusions based on what it is implied in the material
  • make connections among pieces of information in a conversation or lecture
  • recognize topic changes (for example, digreesions and aside statements) in lectures and conversations, and recognize introductions and conclusions in lectures.

根据这一段描述,不难看出听力考试的重点在于Connecting and synthesizing information,也就是关联和整合信息、理解文章的架构,这也就能解释为什么有些同学明明文章全都能听懂,但却只能考到22、23分,因为他们缺少了一边听一边思考的过程。

除了边听边思考外,如果想要自学的话,还需要一个关键的步骤,就是听完之后思考:哪些内容是必须要听到的,也就是官方指南中描述的main idea, major points, important details;而没有听到的原因又是什么。其实有些同学喜欢用语速快来解释所有问题,但深入剖析之后会发现隐藏在语速背后的是语言现象的问题,甚至是自己听的习惯的问题。

