
5月18日 考试口语小范围更新



  • 题量: 20题(考前每天搞定4题)
  • 形式:
    • 题目
    • 破题思路(待更)
    • Sample (非文本-文本Sample只会增加记忆负担,即使压中原题也可能导致记忆不够深刻,还原差而降分) – 获取20题考前机经Sample-文章最后扫码添加Sarah老师获取
  • 518机经内容:

T1-Which of the following three activities do you prefer to do with a group of people rather than alone: Eat a meal; listen to music or do homework? (916)
T2-Some students choose to enter the university immediately after finishing high school, others prefer to taking time off before beginning the university class. Which option do you think is better? Explain why. (946)
T1-Which of the following three behaviors would you consider the most negative for kids? Being selfish, saying impolite things or speaking loudly in public? (876)
T2-Do you agree or disagree that in order to succeed, you have to make enemies. (886)
T1-What do you think are the important characteristics of a good leader? (716)
T2-Which one do you prefer? Taking classes in the early morning or taking classes in the afternoon? (746)
T1-Do you agree or disagree with the statement that it is important to learn the history of the city you live in?  (446)
T2-Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on television. Others prefer to watch educational programs. Which do you prefer? Explain why?  (486)
T1-University is planning to allow students to eat and drink in classroom, do you think it’s a good idea?(736)
T2-Some people prefer to watch entertainment programs on television. Others prefer to watch educational programs. Which do you prefer? Explain why?(486)
T1-Nowadays universities usually hold exams in the class, and recently some universities allow students to take exams at home. Talk about its advantages or disadvantages. Give specific reasons to support your answer.(238)
T2-Do you agree or that important business meetings should be held in person rather than use technology such as video conference call. Give specific reasons to support your answer.(288)
T1-T1-Which of the following characteristics do you think would be the most important for a person who is going to start a new small business?
–Being outgoing and friendly
–Being creative and imaginative
–Being well organized(298)
T2-T2-Some people prefer talking about their opinion immediately when they get the topic, while others prefer to wait and listen to others before they talk about their own opinion. Which one do you prefer and why?(248)
T1-You are required to be a volunteer in a school beatification day, which of the following would you like to choose.
–planting in campus flowers garden
–picking up garbage and collect the recyclable material
–paint natural and outside arts
Give specific reasons to support your answer.(278)
T2-Do you agree or disagree that it is not good for children to know too soon about life’s difficulties. Give specific reasons to support your answer.(308)
T1-What do you think is the most important thing that parents should teach their children. Explain your idea with specific reasons and details.(216)
T2-Do you agree or disagree with the statement? It’s never acceptable to interrupt other people when they are talking.(258)
T1-T1-Talk about at least 1 advantage/disadvantage about not being active on social website and social media.(318)
T2-Do you prefer to visit your friends by surprise or let them know in advance before visiting them ?(266)

必看独立方法论 独立口语文章(选看)
用段子能拿高分/会查重吗? 口语26/27分-分数分解
所有刷题必须录音 段子是什么?能用吗?怎么用?
多遍录音的必要性(考试一遍,练习多遍有用吗?) 独立口语问答: 2选一的话题 关于选项论证的建议
刷题尽量用段子 Deliberate Practice对于托福100+/口语27+的重要性
刷题时注意铺垫和点题 3周备考口语27+ — 任务&计划&资料
相邻两题不可用同样的段子 考前心理疏通(如何避免考前焦虑的产生)


  • 题量: 10题(考前每天搞定2题-考前机经班内容)
  • 形式:
    • 音频
    • 现场版笔记示范视频 + 满分Sample视频
  • 机经内容:
进度 笔记示范 Sample
周一 T3笔记 ; T5笔记 T3-Sample ; T5-Sample
周二 T4-Notes ; T6-Notes T4-回答 ; T6-回答
周三 T3笔记 ; T5笔记 T3-Sample ; T5-Sample
周四 T4-Notes ; T6-Notes T4-回答 ; T6-回答
周五 T3笔记 ; T5笔记 T3-Sample ; T5-Sample
必看综合方法论 综合口语文章(选看)
综合口语是否需要Paraphrase 199付费综合口语7天营
综合口语表达用什么时态 综合口语为什么这么重要?怎么练?
27+练习法-多遍录音的必要性 综合口语高分你需要什么技巧
综合口语没说完,我为什么能口语29? 为什么我说综合口语是最完美的备考资料?
工作党备考如何26+ 提高语音语调、综合能力、听力能力的练习步骤~

考前机经可以关注网站www.hugejiaoyu.com, 进入小范围机经模块查看这些题目的展开思路。如果大家需要详细的答案,可以参加我们的考前机经冲刺课程。

  • 万一中了机经,是否一定会答好、拿高分,取决于每道题是否都用“Deliberate Practice”的方式录音: 机经预测的主要目的,是为了让大家掌握在答题时候最好用且最高效的破题的方式和答题的内容。考前每道独立口语的机经题,都配有Sample,考前掌握好,考试的时候无论是否中原题,答题内容一定可以用上!还是可以答好,拿高分。
  • 知道了 ≠ 会用了 ≠ 拿高分: 所有的独立口语题都能用段子,分数高低取决于表达能力 – 段子记得牢,用得好,独立Good肯定跑不了。
  • 认真观看2011年-2015年的全年独立口语题系列串讲视频,里面必有你即将考试的原题。
  • 练习≠刷题,刷题≠过思路: 把所有考前能够接触到的题都当做是考试原题的心理状态去准备,以结果为导向的练习才是获得结果的最佳途径。


